Tuesday, May 25, 2010

He Spoke To Them...

On Saturday, May 8, 2010, I helped people gut their homes after the Nashville Flood that happened the weekend before. So devastating and heartbreaking to see how many people lost their lives, their homes, their pictures, etc...

The first lady we helped in Bellevue had this painting that she had painted a while ago that really spoke to other flood victims. How ironic that it was one piece that was not destroyed and how much it spoke into other people's lives. Here is a picture of the painting.

The last lady we helped also had a little reminder from God. As we were cleaning out her backyard, I was watching her pick up some of the papers that had fallen out of her desk and one was a yellow sticky that said I Peter 5:7. She looked at it and went over to her friend and said, "isn't this crazy how God gives us reminders?!" Since I couldn't read the verse in it's entirety, I was so anxious to read that verse when I got to my car and it said, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." WOW....just WOW! God is Sovereign and in control of everything. He gives us Hope!
God is all around us and speaks to us in so many ways...you just have to be in tune and aware of those sweet reminders!

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